Posts Tagged ‘Pink’

A New Year: When are “Friends” no longer?. . .end of the lonesome 13.

November 21, 2010

“The disease is growing, it’s epidemic
I’m scared that there ain’t a cure
The world believes it and I’m going crazy
I cannot take any more!!!!”

Stupid Girls, Olvoson, Niklas; Lynch, Robin Mortensen; Mann, Billy; Moore, Alecia B

How many of you feel that way about facebook? You got all these “friends,” but chit, you are lucky if you say hello in the hall! The person who invited me onto facebook, I never met in my life, and though I read stuff on her ocassionaly, never contacted her. The one person who had me go on facebook, never contacted me back after numerous times. I could probably put the crack of me r’s on facebook, and no one would give a hootenanny. Maybe, I’ll send them a link to here, but they wouldn’t even bother with it.  (Actually, I did.) Hilarious. (Actually, 10 did.) But there are some cool people, I really like.

Third Grade (above) becomes Matisse, organic forms and symmetry.

The kids have slid into the year, and the little devil horns have sprouted. Now is the time for phone calls to Momma. It is week 13, after Christmas break, the week moves rapidly! The long week Thanksgiving break will have them hanging off the walls, and they won’t really come back to us until after Christmas! I am behind daily with grading, but am enthusiastic about the kids and their projects. The only thing is so little time.

We spent days badgering and tracking down kids paperwork for the PTA National Reflection’s contest. A tiring process, considering there is so little time to do anything some days (pretty funny, considering timewaste here!).

The quilt project for First (above): Two squares for checkerboard design.

I love teaching this one to First, they are so excited about finding ways to design, through paper cutting. One kid brought me one in the following day. Her Mom said they were all over the house!

Art Club seems to be everywhere with papier-mâché projects taking up large table space. They are beginning to become forms which imply strange animals. Thursday was such a fun day for drawing, athough I hate the Promethean board for that, since it is an odd way to draw thing for me. Always working on the side so things veer off.

I love when the little girl goes off with the football in Stupid Girls, but I also liked Pink’s Raise Your Glass better here. Quoted in the later was the famous J. Howard Miller’s, “We Can Do It!” (left).  It is often mistaken for the Norman Rockwell, who actually did “Rosie the Riveter” (right) for Saturday Evening Post.

Happy Thanksgiving.