Posts Tagged ‘Acadia National Park’

Greetings from ME: Beaches

October 23, 2011

Having spent my whole life somewhere in proximity of the Atlantic, and in Florida, actually two coasts, one of the pleasures of going to Maine is the beautiful and varied seascape. I could not see anyone going to Maine and not spending some time exploring the beautiful beaches. These may not always be beach chair beaches, I think of Acadia and the beautiful granite and those enclaves. I think of the sand beach there. Some spots where you are mountain to water.  These form an array of shots that in my head I refer to as postcards. Maine is an array of postcards, many unprovoked. Postcards are the things you see, which to locals are just everyday and ordinary. Yet for an outsider, extraordinary!

Does  this one make you think of Hopper? He painted in this area.

As the light is northern, the light is more filtered and the color more saturated, richer. The shots of Acadia and the lighthouse are from previous visits. The top shot and the one right, are from Marshall Point, where the little lighthouse sits among rocks.

This visit Nik and Ieva took me to Popham Beach (below), a sand beach where erosion of the shoreline has actually led to a postcard. They said during low tide you could walk to a nearby island, which appeared distant, by the time we got there about 2. People were horseback riding along the shore. How beautiful.